Friday, May 16, 2008

Back at home safe and sound!

We've all made it!  Each to his own home, safe and sound.  We are so very thankful for this blessing.  It is so good to be home reconnecting with family and friends.  It seems life didn't stop while we were away so many of us have had to hit the ground running.  Our final prayer together was that this trip would not leave us unchanged.  If you are the praying type, we ask that you would pray with us that God will continue to change us by the things, situations and people that we encountered over the past two weeks.  The plan now over the next few weeks is that we hope to turn this online journal into more of a reflective essay, as we process the things we have experienced and learned.  We are also hoping to post the majority of the pictures we took, since the speed of the Internet connection during the trip hindered this action.  So keep checking back to see more pictures and reflective posts on what God has taught us through these experiences. 
Thank you so much for being with us through this trip!! We are so thankful to God for the safety and lessons He has brought us through.  This trip was the road trip of a life time, we had an absolutely amazing experience!!  All glory, praise and kudos to God!!

1 comment:

Gord said...

Welcome home guys! We're proud of you for the way you stepped out in faith, willing to be servant leaders as you went. You'll never forget this trip, and I trust that many of the lessons will stay with you forever.
Prof Gord